Happy New Year from #ffffff walls
As 2012 is about to end, we would like to thank you for your readership, support and for an amazing first year. We started this blog as a way to showcase a community of working artists and along the way, we were able to meet some truly talented people. For 2013, we are excited to...

Collin Hatton – Bushwick
I met up with Collin Hatton just as he was in the process of moving studios. This is Part I of his studio visit. We talked about his studio, his process, his current work and where it could lead. F: You were talking about a screen. Are these found screens? CH: Its a fine mesh...

Mary Jones – Chelsea
Mary Jones is a painter living and working in Manhattan. She travels back and forth from New York to Rhode Island where she teaches painting as an adjunct professor at RISD. She also teaches at SVA. We had a preview of Mary Jones’ current work at her building’s open studio. F: This one was here...

Clayton Schiff – Bushwick
Clayton Schiff is an oil painter living in Bushwick, New York. He graduated from RISD’s painting department in 2009. His studio is located in the old Bruce High Quality Foundation space in Brooklyn. He most recently had a show of a group of paintings on paper at the Culture Room. In his interview, Clayton talks...

Ted Gahl – Connecticut
Traveling to rural Connecticut to see Ted Gahl’s studio, further and further out into the northeast landscape, I witness dilapidated factories scattered in between the hills of towns that have long been abandoned by thriving industry, and over time have gradually started to fade back into the surrounding nature. I realized through this emptiness what...

GO Brooklyn
For those of you living in New York, there is a very exciting community-based initiative called GO taking place today and tomorrow from 11 AM – 7 PM. Artists working in all areas of Brooklyn will open their studio doors to the public. You can then vote for your favorite artist and the winning artist...

Alex Markwith – Update & Outtakes
Alex Markwith will be featured at the Hélène Bailly Gallery alongside another emerging artist, Littlewhitehead. “Constructions” will take place from September 20th to November 3rd in Paris, France. Here are some preview photos of the show along with some outtakes from our previous vist with Alex in Montauk, New York.

Tatiana Berg – Bushwick
Tatiana Berg is a painter that (up until recently) lived in Bushwick, Brooklyn. She graduated from the RISD’s painting department in 2009 and has shown at the Queens Muesum, Nudashank, and Freight+Volume. My interview with her took place weeks before she moved out of her studio to attend Columbia’s MFA Program. Image courtesy of Greg...

Anthony Palocci Jr – Pratt
Anthony Palocci Jr‘s studio was also located in the old dormitory converted studio building at Pratt. He invited us into his cleaned up studio. There, you could see the remenants of a completely utilized space but without the regular wear and tear of everyday studio. His work consists of observational paintings created from paper models...

Sterling Wells – Outtakes
Some outtakes from Sterling Well‘s last installation to visually cool you down. Photos courtesy of artist.